Wednesday, October 14, 2009

Please read this article, even you can save a precious life.
Women symptoms vary considerably from men symptoms in heart attacks. If you feel an intense and suffocating pain in the chest for more than 15 minutes and doesn’t stop at nitroglycerin it means that you are having a heart attack. American Heart Association and other experts suggest that we should pay attention to the following signals: pain, squeezing, fullness in the center of the heart, pain radiating in the shoulder and arms, burning, pressure, heavy weight. Other symptoms may be: fainting, nausea, sweating, shortness of breath, anxiety, irregular heart rate, pallor, anxiety, nervousness. If you notice any of these symptoms you should address immediately to the emergency medical services at 911 or begin the CPR.

The doctor will diagnose the heart attack after studying several tests: EKG a device that gives the graphical record of the heart’s electrical activity, a physical examination and knowing the complete medical history of the patient, high enzymes in the blood appear in heart attack, those steps are also helpfull. Cardiac enzymes may be determined later in the intensive care unit and urgent care setting so they confirm or infirm the suspicions of heart attack. Cardiac pain is dull, vague and has been described as pressure, fullness, squeezing and other sensation of discomfort.

Often heart attack is slowly with mild pain and the person in cause doesn’t understand what’s happening, on the other hand the heart attack might be intense and movie-like. The most common signs are: chest discomfort which may be felt as pain, pressure, squeezing, fullness and which may last for minutes. Other symptoms are: pain in both arms, neck, stomach, back, shortness of breath, nausea, cold sweating.

Heart attack symptoms in women
The most common symptom met in women and men is some sort of pain: pressure, discomfort in the chest. Sometimes this pain radiates in the back, in the neck and gives abdominal pain and manifestations with nausea and vomiting, dizziness and unexplained fatigue. Heart attacks may have the symptoms that you see in movies, but there are some that have no clear manifestations or very mild ones, but don’t let them cheat on you and don’t mistake them for indigestion or anxiety.

Try not to drive yourself to the hospital the best choice is to call 911 or any other emergency service as soon as possible after you suppose it’s possible to have a heart attack. Sometimes the heart attack symptoms may act as an indigestion with a sensation of fainting and pain in the middle of the abdomen.
Studies have shown that heart attacks are more frequent in winter, diabetic people have silent heart attacks which means that there is no pain in the chest.

If you want to find out more resources about vioxx heart attack lawyers or about signs of heart attack please review this page


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